Title: Capacity Building to Enhance the Understanding of Process, Structure, and Property Relationships of Ultra-High Temperature Materials for Extreme Environments
Sponsor: AFOSR
Collaborators: Hema Ramsurn (UTulsa) and Michael Keller (UTulsa)

Title: CAREER: Understanding and controlling the sintering of metal powders with nanoscale additives
Sponsor: NSF DMR MMN

Title: BIG: Building Intelligent Gradients in additively manufactured space engine materials via a multiscale predictive framework
Sponsor: NASA ESI
Collaborators: Jerard Gordon (Umich, PI) and Wenda Tan (Umich)

Title: MRI: Acquisition of Compact Mechanical Testing System for Structural, Archaeological, and High-Temperature Materials
Collaborators: Steven Tipton (UTulsa), Michael Keller (UTulsa), Miriam Belmaker (UTulsa), Hema Ramsurn (UTulsa)

Sponsors and Partners